Aline Griffith, Countess
of Romanones

Aristocrat, journalist, fashion model, novelist and spy.


From her first publication, The Spy Wore Red, included on the New York Times Best Sellers list, Aline Griffith has developed a successful writing career: autobiographical books, historical novels, fiction… With her unique experience and perspective, each one of her books reflects the spirit and lifestyle of the era.

Aline Griffith

Born in 1920 in Pearl River, New York, she graduated from the Women Catholic College Mount St. Vincent, majoring in Journalism in 1941, with a Magna Cum Laude degree.

She was working as a model for Hattie Carnegy when recruited by the OSS in 1943, and sent to Spain as an Intelligence Agent in 1944. She married the Count of Quintanilla, later Count of Romanones, Grandee of Spain, had three sons and continued to work as an Intelligence Agent for the CIA until 1987. She later did espionage for the European Intelligence Agency, Le Cercle and attended yearly meetings in England and the Middle East countries, as in Muscat, Oman in 1990 and 1991.

During these years, she was member of the board of two family companies, she rebuilt the ancient family palace, Pascualete that today, is well known for their cheese and partridge shoots. (Awarded Best Cheese of the World 2015).

The Countess of Romanones has been on the New York Times best dressed list for over 20 years and therefore is in the New York Museum of the world`s best dressed women. She was dressed by Balenciaga, Pertegaz, Pedro Rodriguez, Elio Benhanyer, Givenchy, etc. She has received the Spanish government gold medal “Lazo de Dama de Isabel la Católica” and the Venezuelan Medal of Culture for her translations of Spanish Paleography concerning Venezuela.